COVID-19 Signage Essentials for the Office Environment
Remind workers of the latest safety guidelines and ease the transition back to the office with durable, attractive signage.

Across the country, workers are returning to the office in droves. Many employees are happy for a return to normalcy and routine, while others may be hesitant, nervous, or even downright scared. Recent surveys have found that as many as 79% of workers say coronavirus concerns are keeping them at home.
The Society for Human Resource Management suggests that employers of every size have a COVID-19 safety plan in place – and signs that communicate those efforts will help. As an integrated marketer, you can ease the transition by creating durable, attractive signage to remind your coworkers of the latest safety guidelines. This area-by-area overview is a great starting point (but make sure to check with management on any particular local policies you should know).
Throughout the Workplace
Put up signs to remind employees of proper social distancing protocol. Many businesses have used floor clings to great success, but you can also place decals on the walls. If it fits your company’s personality, try having fun with light-hearted signs that show what six feet look like.
In the Restrooms
Even a year into the pandemic, there are still many misperceptions, and not everyone is aware of proper precautions. That’s why you should take no chances and spell out safety basics, including:
- Instructions on correct handwashing technique. The CDC has long recommended appropriate hand hygiene as an effective way to stop the coronavirus spread. Provide detailed information and pictures or illustrations.
- A reminder about wearing masks, since employees may have removed theirs in the stall.
In the Reception Area
If your business has a reception area and you’re seeing clients or visitors, take the opportunity to reassure them that you’re doing everything possible to keep them safe. This includes signage with information about:
- Your company’s mask policy
- Enhanced cleaning procedures
- If you’ve reduced capacity or occupancy in the building
In the Cafeteria or Breakroom
Some things never change: people still need water, coffee, and food. For employees who’ve worked from home or been in isolation for months, it can be tempting to strike up some watercooler conversation or hang out with colleagues. To promote social distancing:
- Place tabletop signs on areas that you’re taking out of use.
- Install 6-feet social distancing signage.
- Use signs to remind employees of the reduced capacity for the area.
Wherever You Have Digital Signage
COVID-19 information and guidance changes rapidly: take advantage of digital signage to keep employees apace of any news they need to know.
Beyond informational purposes, you can use digital signs to boost morale by spreading cheer, recognizing standout performance, and underscoring your commitment to your employees.
Brush Up on Your Signage Basics
While there’s no shortage of places to purchase ready-made signs, creating your own lets you brand them with your company’s colors, fonts, and logos. Doing it yourself ensures you can consider your company’s space and design for maximum visibility and impact. Remember your signage basics:
- Aim for fewer words on each sign.
- Limit the number of fonts you use, and avoid serif or cursive-style fonts.
- Make it pop with high-contrast colors.
- Order quality materials to ensure your signs last and look good.
We have advice on how you can create original signs that are cost-effective and durable. We’ve worked with companies around the country on signage that helps protect their employees and their peace of mind. We’re here to support your business needs during the pandemic and for years to come.