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Blog Post | Jun 15, 2021

Welcome to My E-Newsletter: Now Help Me Help You

Writing in MarketingProfs, Jeremy Reeves covers a variety of tactics to sort readers into different groups, including one that is perhaps easiest to implement, while offering the highest potential returns: the welcome or intro email.

Topics: Email Marketing


We’ve written previously about the many ways you can grow your email marketing list. As you continue to expand this essential integrated marketing tool, keep thinking about ways to segment subscribers into different groups with different needs, as a way to improve your marketing results.

Among the more basic categories are customers and prospects, and warm and cold leads. Turns out that while these groupings are useful, segmenting based on readers’ needs and interests is actually more effective.

Writing in MarketingProfs, Jeremy Reeves covers a variety of tactics to sort readers into different groups, including one that is perhaps easiest to implement, while offering the highest potential returns: the welcome or intro email.

Use Your First Piece to Grab Some Insight

You should already have a welcome email that people get after opting in, stating, for example, why they’re receiving it from you and the kind of content they can expect in the future. Welcome emails that don’t say much may not be worth opening. Yours, on the other hand, will stand out by being different, providing you use the tips below and others from our email marketing archive.

Three Steps To a Great First Impression

Use your Welcome message as an opportunity to make a great first impression, while you begin segmenting your list. Start by explaining who you are and why you’re emailing. Then explain what your business does and whom it helps. Finally, the help-me-help-you part: ask the reader for a favor: to reply and tell you what they most want to learn about.

The trick to getting a reply is to make it as easy on readers as possible. Do this by providing a multiple-choice answer, each with an embedded link (that relates indirectly to a solution your business provides) that helps make segmentation automatic and self-selecting!

When you show subscribers that you truly care about their interests and can help provide solutions, you quickly build trust and credibility, not to mention loyal readers and happy customers.